UK Social Club has been designed to ensure user-friendliness remains paramount. We believe the site is easy to navigate and by nature extremely logical. However, as a guide, we have supplied the following step-by-step information to help you further enjoy the UK Social Club experience.


Finding Activity & Service Providers for your Social Event or Gathering:

There are two methods to find service & activity provider listings (basic & advanced):

Method 1 (Basic Search 1)

1. Using the Top Menu, Click on the 'Activities & Services' button;
Find Activity & Services
2. Now Select the Region or County of your choice; Choose Region
3. Then Select the Activity or Service of your choice;
Choose Service
4. Click Find and your list will appear,

Results will appear in the central area; up to five listings per page.

To commence a new Find either select the Find Activity or Services option under the Find Service menu bar section or click the back button on your tool bar & repeat the above process.


Method 1 (Basic Search 2)

1. Using the Top Menu, Click on the 'Activities & Services' button;
2. This time rather than clicking on the Region you want, click on the blue underlined link (Select Region or County). This will bring up a Map of the UK (where you can click on a location) & a complete list of geographic regions and counties covered by our site. Regions Map Small
3. After you've clicked on your Region of Choice an Iconic list of Activity & Service providers appears.
4. You can now Select your Activity or Service by either clicking on the Icon (image) or Link (words/description).
Activity Icons List Small
5. Your list is now shown.
6. This process can be executed in reverse by clicking on the underlined text ‘Please Select Activity or Service’.

Results will appear in the central area, up to five listings per page.

Clicking the underlined text also allows you to view details of both the UK regions and counties we cover, and the activities or services we list.


Method 2 (Advanced Search)

Advanced search is only available to Logged-in registered users. To Register use the Login form situated at the Top Left hand side of each page.


Site Navigation

About UKSC

About UKSC Details of who we are, the categories we list and the geographical areas we cover.
Contact Contact e-mail addresses for the different departments of UK Social Club Ltd.
Mission Statement The need that led to the creation of the site and the niche we fill.

V.I.P. Lounge UKSC Members' Area with links to New Member Registration, Advanced Find, Contact Card & Members Discounts.

Monthly Feature

Current Feature This month’s helpful guide to aid you in organizing a variety of events and occasions.
Previous Features Previous UKSC Features.
Feature Sponsor Details about the organization currently sponsoring our monthly feature.
How To Sponsor Information about how to become a Feature sponsor with relevant UKSC contact details.

Find Service

Find Service Our unique Find engine, which gives users free access to details of tens of thousands of companies and individuals providing services for all social events, occasions and activities. Free Find by Category type and UK Region or County.
Advanced Find* Allows UKSC Members to find listing details using more enhanced criteria i.e. company name, specific word, town or postcode.

Rates & Listings

Rates Table Comprehensive information about listing your details on, enhancing your listing and advertising rates. Secure on-line purchasing facility powered by PayPal.

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions Our complete and unabridged Terms & Conditions relating to use of, listings and advertisements on the site.

We are committed to endeavoring that our site is straight forward and easy to use. However if you have any issues with functionality or need help we ask that you contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

* To access this facility users must be registered as Members with UK Social Club. The registration process is quick and painless. All details are protected under current UK Law.

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